National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)

BuZARDI Newsletter, July – December 2023

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BuZARDI Newsletter, July – December 2023

It is with great joy that I present to you the July – December 2023 issue of BuZARDI newsletter. I acknowledge all the contributors and the editorial team. In a special way, I thank the Government of Uganda through the Office of the Prime Minister for organising farmer mobilisation and education in the Bunyoro sub-region. Through this drive, we reached
out to thousands of farmers in Kagadi, Kibaale and Kakumiro districts in the second farming season of 2023 with new NARO-released varieties, agromachineries and accompanying information materials.

We are prepared to showcase in many such events for the benefit of all farmers in the Albertine Crescent Zone. Working with our sister institute (National Agricultural Research Laboratories) and partners in development, we strengthened the seed system by establishing and commissioning the Nyatonzi Community Seed Bank in Masindi district. This brings to two, the total number of community seed banks we have set up in the Bunyoro sub-region since 2018.

We hope that farmers will utilise these gene banks to fast-track seed production, and conservation and in turn, contribute to improved gricultural production and productivity. On the station, we hosted high-profile events including the Seeds of Gold Farm Clinic and the PARI Directors Forum. These enabled us to further skill hundreds of farmers on the priority commodities in the Zone and share our research experiences and lessons with other NARO institutes.

As management, we value human resources as the most important resource in an institution. To this end, we have continued to sharpen our staff in their line of duty throughn long-term studies and refresher courses. In this edition, you will be acquainted with what Dr.Abaho Ivan and Mr. Senabulya Steven achieved during their studies in South Africa and South Korea respectively and how the knowledge they have acquired will help to address emerging issues in the agriculture sector.

I congratulate and wish the very best to the staff who were promoted and those who have been transferred to Bulindi ZARDI. As you join the rest of the world to celebrate a New Year 2024, I would like to reaffirm our stern commitment to transforming the livelihoods of the people in the Albertine Graben through demonstration and scaling out best agricultural technologies.
I encourage you to send your feedback on; and

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