National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)

NaCORI – National Coffee Resources Research Institute


National Coffee Research Institute











About Us

Who We Are

The National Coffee Research Institute (NaCORI) is a Public Agricultural Research Institute under the policy guidelines of the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO). NaCORI is in the forefront of conducting market-oriented research in the coffee and cocoa sub-sectors. NaCORI’s main campus is located at Kituza in Mukono district (38km East of Kampala). It has a sub-station at Bugusege in Sironko district. Kituza and Bugusege campuses occupy 162ha and 6ha of land respectively.

A centre of excellence for developing quality coffee foundation seed for Robusta and Arabica varieties.

Our Mission

To generate, develop and disseminate technologies, methods and knowledge to enhance the productivity and quality of coffee and cocoa in Uganda.

Our Vision

A competitive coffee and cocoa industry for increased household and national incomes.

Our Mandate

To conduct basic and applied research of strategic nature and national importance on coffee and cocoa.
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Growing Coffee

Map Showing Coffee Growing areas in Uganda

Why Grow Coffee

DEMAND: Has a Consistent demand on the world market
40 YEARS: The tree remains productive up to 40 years without replanting
INCOME: Provides income to over 1.7 million households involved in its production and along the value chain
PROFITABLE: Fetches higher farmgate profits than most crops
INTERCROP: Can be intercropped with other crops especially food crops, to maximise land use and economic returns per unit area and an enabler to food security


NaCORI is headed by a Director of Research, who reports to the NARO Governing Council (NAROC) through the office of the Director General, NARO. At the institute, an advisory Committee appointed by the NAROC advises the Director of Research for proper management and execution of the institute’s mandate.

Mr.Edward Katende
Dr. Theodora Twongyirwe
Assoc. Prof Yazidhi Bamuyaze
Mr. Kenneth Barigye


Coffee and Cocoa Variety Improvement Programme (CVIM)

To develop coffee and cocoa varieties that are competitive in the market and are resilient to climate change.


Coffee and Cocoa Value-Addition Research Programme (CVA-R)

To develop post-harvest processes and innovations for the production of quality coffee and cocoa products.

Coffee and Cocoa Plant Health Management Programme (CPhM-P)

To sustainably increase coffee and cocoa production through the elimination of losses due to pests, diseases, weeds, poor plant nutrition and unreliable climate.


Products & Services

Diversifying the end products that use coffee as an ingredient creates alternative uses of coffee, hence attracting a better price for the farmer, determined by demand and supply. NaCORI is conducting research into making various byproducts (dietary and non-dietary) in response to emerging market demands. These products have the potential for import substitution and use in the cottage industry.


Research and Innovations

Increase efficiency for the production of foundation seed of the improved Robusta and Arabica varieties.
Fast-tracking release of candidate Arabica coffee varieties.
Developing agronomic practices to address key farmers’ constraints.
Profiling bio-active compounds in coffee and cocoa for dietary and industrial applications.

Achievements & Milestones

5 candidate Arabica coffee varieties submitted to MAAIF for assessment before release.
10 Coffee Wilt Resistant varieties developed. The varieties are clones named KR1, R2, KR3, KR4, KR5, KR6, KR7, NARO KR8, NARO KR9 and NARO KR 10.
Built capacity of over 500 coffee nursery operators to multiply Coffee Wilt Disease-resistant clones. This has created employment opportunities for several of the beneficiaries.
Established a coffee gene bank with germplasm from natural coffee tree species.
Produced farmer information materials on good agronomic practices for both coffee and cocoa production to help increase productivity.
Established a coffee gene bank with germplasm from natural coffee tree species.
Produced farmer information materials on good agronomic practices for both coffee and cocoa production to help increase productivity.
Produced CWD-r cuttings and seed for Arabica coffee. Most of these materials are availed to nursery operators for the establishment of mother gardens and seedling nurseries.
Constructed a biotechnology laboratory and a multi-purpose lab. to enhance research undertakings, especially the production of quality coffee and cocoa plantlets.
Developed an integrated pest and disease management package for coffee and cocoa.

Partnerships & Collaborations

To advance coffee and cocoa research, NaCORI works in strategic partnership with research and development organisations. Key among these are; the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries, the Uganda Coffee Development Authority, the European Union, the United States Agency for International Development, international Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and World Coffee Research. Others are; ROBUST DeSIRA, CIAT, CIRAC, NGS, Sabanci University, UNESCO, Bugand Cultural and Development Foundation (BUCADEF).


Volunteer & Internships

Application Procedure for Volunteers and Internships

Volunteers: Interested persons are advised to write and deliver applications to NaCORI on weekdays.

Internships: NaCORI runs one internship program annually. Students are advised to deliver applications and university recommendations to the Institute on weekdays.



Contact Information

  • National Coffee Research Institute - NaCORI
  • +256 414 697659
  • 16km along Mukono-Katosi Road. National Coffee Research Institute
  • P.O Box 185, Mukono