NaLIRRI – National Livestock Resources Research Institute


National Livestock Resources Research Institute











About Us

Who We Are

The National Livestock Resources Research Institute (NaLIRRI) owes its origins to the colonial era when the East African Trypanosomiasis Research Organisation (EATRO) was founded in 1956 with a mandate to research Tsetse flies and Trypanosomiasis in both human and animals across Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania under the jurisdiction of the East African Common Services Organisation which later became the East African Community.

NaLIRRI was established for the purposes of providing agricultural research services in Livestock Health, Nutrition, Breeding, Socio-economics, Marketing and Apiculture

Our Mission

To improve the productivity of Ugandans livestock sector through generation and promotion of efficient, cost-effective and safe technologies and innovations.

Our Vision

A sustainable, productive and competitive livestock sector offering profitable employment opportunities and nourishing nutritional demands of Ugandans.

Our Mandate

The National Agricultural Research Act 2005 of Uganda mandates NaLIRRI as a public agricultural research institute responsible for carrying out research and related services in the livestock sector.
Latest News



Anti-Tick Vaccine project

Uganda agroecological zones with Locations of trial coordination center

What we know about Ticks in Uganda.

Ticks are responsible for USD 1.1 billion in annual losses, resulting from livestock deaths due to tick-borne pathogens
Tick infestation varies between 30–45 ticks per animal
In Uganda, the most common tick species are the brown ear ticks (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus), blue ticks (R. decoloratus), bont ticks (Amblyomma variegatum), and red ticks
For over a century, the control of ticks has mainly relied on acaricides globally. However, over time, acaricide usefulness has been overwhelmed by prolonged use and associated misuse


We conduct agricultural research of strategic importance for knowledge generation and development. Establishment and management of human, physical and financial resources of the institute. Provision of technical back-stoppinng and capacity buuilding to Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the ZARDIs, and other agencies dealing in agricultural research.

Research Scientists

–Short Profiles —

Dr. Moses Matovu, PhD.
–Senior Research Officer–
Research expertise:
food science, nutrition, food security, food safety, and standards. 
Google scholar: 

Dr. Patrice Kasangaki, PhD. 
–Principal Research Officer, Entomology–
Research expertise:  management of livestock entomological challenges.
Google scholar: 

Dr. Dhikusooka Tefula Moses, PhD
–Senior Research Officer–
Research expertise: veterinary science, particularly in the areas of epidemiology, vaccine development, and disease control.
Google scholar: 

Dr. Robert Mwesigwa, PhD
–Senior Research Officer-Animal Nutrition–
Research expertise: livestock nutrition.
Google scholar: 

Dr. William Ntege Nanyeenya, PhD
–Principal Research Officer–
Research expertise: Agricultural economics, socio-economic research, policy analysis in livestock and farming systems sectors.
Google scholar: 

Justine Waibale
Principal Human Resource Office

Winnie Nanteza
–Development Communication Officer–
Expertise:  Development communication, media, outreach, and strategic communication

Rodgers Kashaijja
Procurement Officer

Dr. Matovu Moses

Program Leader Bioscience Research

Dr. Patrice Kasangaki

Program Leader Livesctock Entomology

Dr. Dhikusooka Moses

Program Leader Vaccinology

Dr. Robert Mwesigwa

Program Leader Diary Research

Justin Waibale

Human Resource & Admin

Ali Oloka

Senior Accountant

Winnie Nanteza

Development Communication Officer


Improving local goat breeds

Assembling the indigenous goat breeds (Mubende goat ) to be crossbred (Kalahari goats) for improved beef production

Zero waste Dairy Platform

Processing of cattle dung into high-value products including bio-methane (purified biogas), bio-electricity, organic pesticides, and liquid soap


To sustainably increase coffee and cocoa production through the elimination of losses due to pests, diseases, weeds, poor plant nutrition and unreliable climate.


Products & Services

Diversifying the end products that use dairy waste as an ingredient creates alternative uses, hence attracting a better price for the farmer, determined by demand and supply. NalIRRI is conducting research into making various byproducts (dietary and non-dietary) in response to emerging market demands. These products have the potential for import substitution and use in the livestock industry.


Research Focus

Beef and small meats

Achievements & Milestones

Construction of a sh60-billion anti-tick vaccine production facility at Nakyesasa in Nalukulongo, Wakiso District
The Zero waste dairy concept model developed
Harnessing crop-livestock integration to enhance food security and livelihoods resilience to effects of climate change in Eastern and Central Africa (LFP 12)
Subolesin Vaccine Field Trial: The first trial in Uganda, an opportunity for researchers, cattle farmers, and other value chain actors in the cattle industry to benefit from a novel candidate vaccine for tick control.
Developed an integrated pest and disease management package for coffee and cocoa.

Partnerships & Collaborations

At NaLIRRI, we believe in the power of collaboration to drive innovation, improve products, and create shared value. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of agriculture, we recognize the importance of forming strategic alliances with like-minded entities to achieve mutual goals and foster growth.


Volunteer & Internships

Application Procedure for Volunteers and Internships

Volunteers: Interested persons are advised to write and deliver applications to NaLIRRI on weekdays.

Internships: NaLIRRI runs one internship program annually. Students are advised to deliver applications and university recommendations to the Institute on weekdays.



Contact Information

  • National Livestock Resources Research Institute - NaLIRRI
  • +256-454-448360
  • Namulonge-Nakyesasa
  • P.O. Box 5704, Kampala