Who We Are
The National Semi Arid Resources Research Institute (NaSARRI) is one of 16 Public Agricultural Research Organization (NARO). It is located in the Eastern Agro-Ecological Zone ( Teso sub region) in Serere district 27km South of Soroti town.
It is located in the Eastern Agro-Ecological Zone ( Teso sub region) in Serere district 27km South of Soroti town.
Our Vision
Our Mission
Our Goal
Pearl Millet-ultimate solution to the threatened population
End importation of hybrid sunflower seeds from Europe and South America
Rural Women in Agro-prenuership
Cotton, the third forex exchange earner for Uganda
Products & Services

Groundnut Research Activities

Dry Land Oil Crops
Research Programme
The Dry land oil Crops Research Programme coves research in groundnuts, Simsim and Sunflower.

The varieties released under Simsim include; Ssim 1, Sesim II and Sesim III. All of these varieties are white seeded maturing within 110 days yield between 500- 900 kilograms per hectare with 42-45 percent oil content.
Ground Nuts
In Uganda, groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) is the second most important legume after beans. The cultivated area is estimated at nearly 260,000 ha, representing 24.6% of the total arable land. On- farm pod yields are low, averaging 800kg/ha of dry pods, compared to on- station yields of 3,000kg/ha. Sales from current production could potentially generate $344 million to the producers who are largely resource poor small-scale farmers. The yield gaps are attributed to a combination of bioctic, abiotic, cultural and political factors. since the 1920s, research efforts have released 24 varieties, the most recent commercial varieties being the serenut 1-14 series. These varieties have helped to alleviate some of the production problems. However, varied growing agro-ecologies, land tenure systems, diverse markets preference, and emerging stresses call for continuous research.
To date, the groundnut breeding program has an active breeding pipeline releasing varieties and lines which have already been shared with National Programs across Africa (South Sudan, Ethiopia, Ghana, Mozambique, Mali, Malawi), Haiti and the USA with many additional National Programs making requests. We have strong partnership in research and Development among the African Countries, USID, ICRISAT, and the Gates Foundation.
Constraints being addressed | Notable achievements |
Groundnuts Rosette Disease (GRD) | Leafspots and GRD resistant lines |
Late leafspot | Multi – stress resistant Genetic stock |
Drought | Early maturing and high yielding lines |
Leafminer | Community based seed multiplication |
Aflatoxin | Value addition: Peanut butter and snacks |
Groundnut oil | Dissemination materials |
Confectionery groundnuts | Training and awareness creation |
Regeneration protocol |
NARO through its groundnut’s improvement programme has an active breeding pipeline that is sustainably releasing improved stress tolerant varieties with superior yields. The rate of growth for both production and productivity are positive, signifying an increment in both land sizes and yield. Results indicate that sizable research benefits (US$32.3-US$47 million) are generated by adopting rosette resistant seed varieties.
Adoption of improved groundnut varieties significantly increased the net value of income by us$130-254 per hectare and also significantly reduced poverty as measured by headcount index (Kassie et al., 2010) thereby contributing to the achievements of the Millennium development Goal of eradicating poverty and hunger in Uganda.

This is only fiber crop under research at NaSARRI. BPA 2002 is the only commercial variety currently available for production & marketing country wide.
This variety has a ginning out turn off 40% desired by ginners and high fiber quality for spinners and lint exporters, it is resistant to diseases and matures in 150 days. The institute also conducts socio- economic research and animal traction services
Animal traction: This is a service Nasarri offers to farmers in training their animals for draft power and testing of Animal Draft Power implements. ADP can be used for land preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting and farm transport.
Socio-Economic Research: This as well integrates in all biophysical research activities. It conducts monitoring, evaluation and impact studies among farming communities in Semi- Arid areas of operation. This section supports stakeholders in areas of communication strategies for disseminations of agricultural research outputs to uptake pathways.

Dry Land Legumes
Research Programme
This programme conducts research in cowpea, Pigeon pea and mungbean (green gram locally known as Choroko.

Five verities have been released under this research programme and these include; SECOW 1T, SECOW 2W, SECOW 3B, SECOW 4W and SSECOW 5T. All these varieties mature in 80-90 days and yield between 1500-2500kg/ha.
1Pigeonpea. There are medium and early maturing verities that have been released and these include; SEPI 2 maturing in 3 ½ months with yield of up to 1500kg/ha. Both varieties can be intercropped with beans, green gram, ground nuts and rice.
Mungbean: Pre- released varieties include; Black gram (matures in 75-85 days), Filsan and Sunshine (both mature in 60-65 days). Their yield potential is about 1200kg/
Dry Land Cereals
Research Programme
The Dry land Crops Research programme covers Research in Sorghum, finger millet and pearl millet.
Sorghum research focuses on improving drought resistance and resistance to invasive weeds such as striga and improving yield potential.
Sorghum varieties on the open market include;
NAROSORG1, NAROSORG2, NAROSORG3 & NAROSORG4,SESO 1 maturing within 100 days, SESO2 which matures in 110 days and SESO3 and early maturing variety in only 90 days. All the varieties yield between 2700-3000 kg/ha.

Finger millet: The released varieties include recently released varieties of NAROMIL1, NAROMIL2, NAROMIL3, NAROMIL4 & NAROMIL5, PESE 1, SEREMI 1 all of which are brown seeded. SEREMI 2 matures in 85-90 days and it is tolerant to drought. SEREMI 1 matures between 100 to 110 days and is good for mid- altitudes.
Pearl Millet: So far there is one released Pearl millet variety on market the LCMV221 which matures between 80-85 days. Pearl millet has a great potential as a nutritious and food security crop.
Research is still on going to tackle challenges to its production which include Ergot, rust etc.
Sorghum varieties on the open market include;
NAROSORG1, NAROSORG2, NAROSORG3 & NAROSORG4,SESO 1 maturing within 100 days, SESO2 which matures in 110 days and SESO3 and early maturing variety in only 90 days. All the varieties yield between 2700-3000 kg/ha.
Our Partners
The institute collaborates with a number of internationals, regional, local and community-based organizations and these include: Academic institutions (Universities), NGOs, Seeds Companies Processors, INPUT Dealers, Government Ministries and famers groups.
Government of Uganda, Mcknight Foundation, Bill and Belinda Gates Foundation, PMIL, AGRA, USAID, ICRISAT, BMG, EU-IFAD.
Volunteer & Internships
Application Procedure for Volunteers and Internships
Volunteers: Interested persons are advised to write and deliver applications to NaSARRI on weekdays.
Internships: NaSARRI runs one internship program annually. Students are advised to deliver applications and university recommendations to the Institute on weekdays.
Contact Information
- National Semi-Arid Resources Research Institute - NaSARRI
- ?
- director.nasarri@naro.go.ug
- Serere District, Eastern Uganda
- P.O. Box 7084 Kampala