KaZARDI – Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute | Parent Page: NARO Zonal Institutes (ZARDIs)



Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute











About Us

Who We Are

KaZARDI is located in Rubanda District in South Western Uganda. The institute is composed of three stations, Kachwekano (which is an administrative seat), Kalengyere and Bugongi (which are field stations).

Kachwekano ZARDI spearheads agricultural research and development work in Uganda’s south western highlands agro-ecological zone (SWHAEZ) that administratively comprises Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu, Rukungiri, Rubanda and Rukiga districts.

Kachwekano was established by the British in 1937 for experimentation and demonstration of crops, pastures and livestock of temperate origin.

Our Vision

Improved livelihoods of the farming communities in SWHAEZ.


Our Mission

To improve farming systems and livelihoods in the SWHAEZ through conducting strategic, applied and adaptive research on priority commodities.

Our Mandate

Integrity, Transparency, Teamwork, Adherence to work plan, Security and Political will.



To generate and promote agricultural technologies that address needs of the SWHAEZ.
To develop and maintain the institute human and infrastructure capacity for effective research services.
To strengthen capacity of intermediary agricultural service providers (IASP) for effective dissemination/transfer of research products to target end users in the zone.
To mobilize financial resources for agricultural research and development agenda for the zone.


To generate and promote agricultural technologies that address needs of the SWHAEZ.
To develop and maintain the institute human and infrastructure capacity for effective research services.
To strengthen capacity of intermediary agricultural service providers (IASP) for effective dissemination/transfer of research products to target end users in the zone.
To mobilize financial resources for agricultural research and development agenda for the zone.
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General Functions

Generating up-to-date information that reflects research and development needs of the people and farming systems in the zone. Such information is then used for re-designing the agricultural research agenda to cater for the dynamism in people’s interests, constraints and emerging enterprise market issues.
Developing technologies, practices, and tools for use by producers, processors and traders in order to continuously improve the farming systems productivity and its agro-enterprise competitiveness.
Developing technologies, practices, and tools for use by producers, processors and traders in order to continuously improve the farming systems productivity and its agro-enterprise competitiveness.
Building and promoting partnerships with other NARO institutes, CBO’s, local government and private sector organizations for generating and implementing research agenda with the purpose of enhancing quick technology development, adoption and dissemination.
Production of foundation “seed” (planting and stocking materials) of priority crop types, varieties and livestock species.
Promotion, through uptake pathways (e. g NAADS, conventional extension, NGOs, CBO’s) of proven technologies and research products.
Development of multi-stakeholder innovation platforms on various technologies in the zone.


We conduct agricultural research of strategic importance for knowledge generation and development. Establishment and management of human, physical and financial resources of the institute. Provision of technical back-stoppinng and capacity buuilding to Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, the ZARDIs, and other agencies dealing in agricultural research.
Head Finance
Head HR
Head Admin


Crops and Natural Resources Research and Development Programme

Under this programme, work is being done on the following commodities; potatoes, temperate fruits, sorghum, rice and beans.

Animal Resources Research and Development Programme

Under this programme, work is being done on goat breeding, cattle and aquaculture.

Technology Promotion and Outreach Programme


Research Focus

The institute operates under three programme. Crop and Natural Resources Research programme, Animal Resources Research Programme and Technology Promotion and Outreach Programme.

Improved breeds of goats
Highland sorghum varieties
Apple varieties
Adapted tea clones
Bean varieties
Sustainable land management
Transgenic potatoes with late blight resistance
Enhancing farmer capacity to generate clean seed
Apple production technologies

Commercial Potato Varieties

Cream flesh color
Red skin color
Short dormancy of 90 days
Good table qualities and high yielding 28t/ha
Maturity period of 90 days
Good for crisping
Resistant to late blight disease
Short dormancy of 90 days
Maturity period of 100 days
Resistant to late blight disease
Tolerant to bacterial blight
Good for crisping
Good table qualities and high yielding 24t/ha
High yielding (19.6t/ha)
Resistant to late blight
High dry matter content (20.8%)

Volunteer & Internships

Application Procedure for Volunteers and Internships

Volunteers: Interested persons are advised to write and deliver applications to KaZARDI on weekdays.

Internships: KaZARDI runs one internship program annually. Students are advised to deliver applications and university recommendations to the Institute on weekdays.



Contact Information

  • Kachwekano Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute -KaZARDI
  • +256 454 660693
  • naronabuinzardi@yahoo.com
  • Lorengedwat Sub county, Nabilatuk district, Karamoja sub region
  • P.O. Box 132, Moroto